The epidemiology of gastroenterology concerns incidence, risk factors, treatment, and prognosis of diseases located in the alimentary tract, the liver, and the pancreas. With more than eight million deaths, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract remain a substantial, worldwide burden for individuals, clinical medicine, public health, and healthcare systems. Moreover, the gastrointestinal tract is a common site of malignant tumors with colorectal cancer being the third most common cancer in the world.
At Department of Clinical Epidemiology, main research areas within the field of gastroenterology comprise incidence and prognosis of colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, diverticular disease, and surgery for gastrointestinal diseases and we aim to provide evidence that is transferable to clinical practice. We collaborate with several international health institutions, including the University of Oslo, the University of North Carolina, and the University of Washington. In collaboration with colleagues across Europe, we also participate in the European Polyp Surveillance Trial (EPoS) with the aim of providing evidence on optimal intervals for colonoscopy surveillance of patients with benign and malignant colorectal polyps.