Aarhus University Seal

Research year

Department of Clinical Epidemiology is dedicated to offer motivated medical students the opportunity to do a research year of high scientific quality. A research year in the department includes introduction to the research process from concept and writing of the protocol to the preparation of applications and data analysis, interpretation and publication of results. DCE expects the research year student to be actively involved in all phases of the project under competent guidance throughout the process - usually with supervisors from both epidemiological and clinical disciplines as well as biostatistics.


DCE has a number of biostatisticians, who to some extent can assist with data management and guidance in data analysis. DCE also gives medical research year students the opportunity to establish a network of national and international collaborators and to have a research stay abroad.

Part of a team

We offer an introduction program for the medical research year student which includes an introduction to the department as well as a professional introduction with training in the most important aspects of clinical epidemiology in addition to the courses offered by Aarhus University. DCE has a strong emphasis on the social aspect, and research year students are therefore on a par with the department's graduate students in a joint team where you can share experiences. The team holds a monthly journal club gathering and attends the regular guest lectures in the department.