Aarhus University Seal

Research stay abroad

Department of Clinical Epidemiology strongly encourages research year students to go abroad for a research stay visiting another research institution to gain experience outside our local environment. For the research year students, it will be a unique opportunity to present and discuss their methodologies, analyses, and results with skilled international researchers. Such networking is also certain to facilitate future international collaborations.

My research stay at the University of Oxford was a unique opportunity to experience the famous university from the inside. I made new friends, and time went by too quickly.

I would recommend it to all research year students.

Ida Marie Østerberg Melsen - University of Oxford, spring 2023.

Examples of places you could go

  • Amsterdam University Medical Centers in the Netherlands
  • Boston University in the US
  • Karolinska Institutet in Sweden
  • Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK
  • University of Oxford in the UK
  • University of Vermont in the US
  • Vanderbilt University in the US

See the full list of our international collaborators here