Aarhus University Seal

Charlotte Delmar



Primary affiliation

Charlotte Delmar

Areas of expertise

  • Relationshipbased care
  • Exstiential life phenomena
  • Clinical judgement and intuition

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am a caring science researcher; especially within three themes: 1. Relaionshipbased caring (trust and power, responsibility), 2. Existential life phenomena, 3. Professional intuition (senses, courage)

Teaching activities

I teach and supervise nursing science students. Especially within the nursing profession and theory development of life phenomena


I collaborate with clinical institutions, especially hospitals and nursing communities. Furthermore a collaboration with UCL, a project named "Teach me to Care" with a focus on developing students to caregivers of high quality.


Withi the Nordic countries, I have known professor emerita Kari Martinsen for 40 years. From the U.S it is caring science researchers such as Professor Jean Watson and Jim D`Alfonso, Kaiser Permanente


I have several keynote speeches around in Denmark and annual seminar for Priests, Psychologists and Nurses

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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