Aarhus University Seal

Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen



Primary affiliation

Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen

Areas of expertise

  • Epidemiology
  • Reprodctive epidemiology
  • Fertility
  • Puberty
  • Fecundity

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am a professor of epidemiology, and my research focuses on reproductive health. Among other things, I investigate how biologic, social, and psychological factors affect our reproductive and overall health throughout life. I am particularly interested in the causes of low fertility, reduced fecundity, and early/late puberty.

I hold a Master’s degree of Health Sciences (MHSc) and a Ph.D. in Medicine from Aarhus University.


I do research within reproductive epidemiology and to untangle the causes of low fertility and disturbances in reproductive health. 

My research contributes to long-term prevention over treatment, ensuring the best possible conditions and decision-making basis for family formation and reproductive health for current and future generations.

Teaching activities

I lead and teach the course Advanced Epidemiology at The Department of Public Health's programmes as well as the Ph.D. course Causal Inference in Health Sciences. 

Through lectures and group work, students learn to understand research approaches and methods used in health science research.

I have previously (2012-2018) been the head of studies for master's degree programmes that build on health professional bachelor's programmes, as well as I have been the chairman of the joint study board.


I collaborate with a wide range of national and international researchers from the Nordic countries, Europe, and the USA. 

I have a close collaboration with Director Siri Håberg from Norway and Director Mikko Myrskylä from Germany, with whom I lead the EU-funded project BIOSFER, which investigates the causes of low fertility in modern society. 

I also have close collaboration with Associate professor Zeyan Liew and Professor Onyebuchi Arah from the USA. 


I am available to politicians, decision-makers, and the media who need expert knowledge in my field of research. 

I am also a member of several steering committees:

·         Virtual Reality in Interprofessional Education Project, VIA (2025-)

·         Personalised Medicine Network at Health, AU (2023-)

·         Odense Child Cohort (2023-)

·        Faculty affiliate at UCLA Practical Causal Inference Lab (2024-)

·         Faculty member of the International Max Planck Research School (2024-)

Job responsibilities

As part of my research management, I am a proud and dedicated supervisor for several talented master's students, research assistants, PhD students and postdocs. 

Additionally, I head the section Disease Etiology and Research Methodology at The Department of Public Health, where I am also part of the department management team. 

Furthermore, I lead The Danish National Birth Cohort, which follows more than 90,000 Danes born 1996-2003 from conception and throughout life.

Selected publications

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