Aarhus University Seal

Sussie Antonsen


Research Assistant, MSc.

Primary affiliation

Sussie Antonsen

Areas of expertise

  • Datamanagement
  • Epidemiology
  • Statistics

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


At the National Centre for Register-based Research, I work with statistics and data management in relation to research projects within psychiatric epidemiology.

I have a background as a Master of Science in Mathematics and have more than 15 years of experience in register-based research.

Job responsibilities

My primary responsibilities involve data management and statistical analysis in SAS, currently primarily related to the creation of the Multigeneration Register, a project where the current CPR register is linked with historical church book records to establish family relationships back in time.

Additionally, I am involved in a number of other research projects related to BERTHA (the Danish Big Data Centre for Environment and Health) on the relation between environment and mental illness.

Selected publications

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