Aarhus University Seal

Feature in Ugeskrift for Læger

What is the impact of obesity on the prognosis of patients with cancer – do we have data to answer this?

Postdoc Julie Schmidt

Postdoc Julie A. Schmidt and colleagues have written a feature for Ugeskrift for Læger (The Journal of the Danish Medical Association). In the feature, the research team describes the need for data, the availability and completeness of data, and future perspectives. Read the full feature here (in Danish).

Julie A. Schmidt will present the research behind at the Danish Clinical Quality Conference 2022 in Aalborg on 30th November. 

The feature is part of a special issue on obesity in Ugeskrift for Læger available here (in Danish). 

The feature is authored by Julie A. Schmidt, Cathrine F. Hjorth, Lau Amdisen, Elisabeth Solmunde, Signe Borgquist, Sigrid B. Gribsholt, and Deirdre Cronin-Fenton.